Volunteers help make worship services possible. Please volunteer to help during worship services.

  • Greeters greet members and visitors as they arrive, paying special attention to newcomers, inviting them to fill-in a contact card, and take a brochure. Greeters also make a point of seeking out and warmly greeting newcomers after the service, escorting them to Fellowship Hall and introducing them to other members, especially those with whom the newcomers may be most interested in meeting.
  • Ushers offer a friendly and kind welcome to all – a smile and quick “good morning” as people enter the sanctuary, along with the Order of Worship.
  • Members volunteer to bring altar flowers. Dedications can be provided, and if so, they are included in the Order of Worship.
  • The brew crew provides a warm, welcoming atmosphere for the good conversation that goes on after Sunday worship. The brew crew also occasionally provides refreshments for other small events or to help clean up for small events.