• No Better Time for Being a Unitarian Universalist

    I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist than right now.

    For at least the next two years, with most branches and halls of government, from state offices, U.S. House, Senate, Supreme Court, Oval Office and Cabinet; filled with many who are antithetical to our basic principles –  I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    With a shrinking middle class, and with little opportunity for those trying their best to claw their way up and in (especially most young adults) – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    With a citizenry that is losing its ability to feel due to repeated episodes of gun violence on our streets and in our homes and churches – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    In a democracy where “corporations are citizens” whose endless supplies of money allows them to leverage their interests in our elections, courts, legislation and tax codes in ways no citizen could ever imagine – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    When a “Drill Baby Drill” mantra is code to maximize profits without concern for the common good; and to have a devil-may-care attitude toward climate change with no interest in investment in cleaner, emission-minimal technologies for the future – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    In a society where there are those who insist that the so-called “free market” is the answer to all economic (and policy) questions and are more than happy to hire an undocumented worker to pick their crops, and pay them little to nothing with no regard to worker safety, yet all the while blaming that same undocumented worker for all the nation’s ills – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    In a country where minorities, based upon the color of their skin, religious affiliation, physical ability, sexual orientation or ethnicity; must continually justify their claim for basic rights – I could think of no better time for being a Unitarian Universalist.

    We now have no excuse not to do something about all this.

    We have much work to do – and I believe the world, our country and our community needs our good work! This work can be rich. It can help us grow individually and as a congregation. It is something to be embraced.

    We must start where we are. We must build relationships with those outside our walls. We cannot save the world by ourselves – but we are being called upon to do our part.

    What part are you called to do?

    Take care and be well,
