• Board Retreat: Goals and Initiatives for the 2017-2018 Year

    UUMAN’s Board Retreat was held on Saturday, August 12.

    At the retreat, the Board wanted to accomplish three things that will guide UUMAN’s work in the coming year:

    1. Develop UUMAN’s Ministry Goals for the Program Council
    2. Develop Board Initiatives
    3. Develop Methods to Better Engage in Dialogue with the Congregation

    Ministry Goals for the Program Council

    After reflecting on the UUMAM’s Mission Statement, the Board set some general ministry goals that must be addressed by the Program Council and it’s Committees. These ministry goals are intended to be general in nature thus allowing maximum flexibility for interpretation by each of UUMAN’s Program Council Committees. It is expected that each UUMAN Committee write its own specific goals to meet each of the Board’s ministry goals.

    The Board’s ministry goals call for UUMAN to be…

    • A community where every member is connected and engaged
    • A community whose numbers and influence are growing
    • A vehicle of service to our community and the world
    • Radically multigenerational in all we do.


    Board Initiatives


    In order to best prepare UUMAN for the future, the Board has decided to educate itself and focus its attention on a few specific initiatives in the coming year. Some of these initiatives involve some internal Board work while others may be addressed in conjunction with a Standing Committee (or Ad Hoc Advisory Committee).

    In no particular order, the Board Initiatives for the coming year are as follows:

    • Volunteer Recognition
    • Action Plan for World Crisis
    • Bylaws Revision
    • Create/Enhance Service Culture Within UUMAN
    • Oversight of Program Council’s Progress Toward Overarching Goals
    • Reclaim our Humanity from Racism and Oppression


    Develop Methods to Better Engage in Dialogue with the Congregation

    The Board wishes to better engage in dialogue with the congregation in order to discuss mission, vision, ministry goals, initiatives (see above), etc. To accomplish this, the Board will be reaching out in intentional ways in order to seek alignment to and gather information from the congregation. This year’s conversations will inform any adjustments to next year’s ministry goals and initiatives.

    By empowering UUMAN’s Program Council Committees to do the ministry and work of the congregation, the  Board can begin taking a longer-term outlook and be flexible to make informed adjustments to mission and vision moving forward.
