Water Communion Ingathering Service
Join us as we celebrate our annual ingathering with our traditional water communion service with a virtual spin. Have your sacred waters gathered from the summer on hand.
Join us as we celebrate our annual ingathering with our traditional water communion service with a virtual spin. Have your sacred waters gathered from the summer on hand.
Service Description: “Nurture Our Spirit.” These are the first three words of our new mission statement. What does it mean to nurture our spirit? Who’s responsibility is it? How do we nurture our spirit in the face of a global pandemic and a national emergency declaration?
We will try to stream the service at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcRwJlKGVhksTvxKeCXhxeQ/
(Multigenerational Service)
In the Genesis story of Cain and Able, for reasons unknown to us, God accepts Able’s gift yet rejects Cain’s. Was it because of the gifts themselves? Did Cain hold back? Could he have given more from the heart? What might your best gift be?
(Stewardship Sunday)
Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir
We have all likely heard people say that they are “spiritual but not religious.” Might this simply be indicative of a rejection of the traditional organized religions? Might it also be indicative of a return to pagan spirituality? What might this mean?
Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir
This year marks the 8th anniversary of the UUA’s 30 Days of Love campaign. It is a period for intentional action, service, education, and reflection running from Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday to Valentine’s Day. How might we deepen the connection to our faith at this time?
Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir.
Please join us as we remember those who have passed over the course of the year. Let us remember how they have shaped our lives in ways we could not have imagined.
What things in your life have a “no matter whatness” quality to them …that no matter what happens, that no matter how it happens; your right relationship to that thing remains steadfast – unmoved? Do you feel that you, your life, who you … read more.
This service will explore the idea of heaven from an agnostic point of view. Starting with the new wave band Talking Heads, we will yoke together sources as unlikely as the gospels, Buddhism, and Nietzsche’s eternal return to ask how a new understanding of heaven might help us live better lives in the here and now.
Compassion is just a starting point, not a finish line. Please join us this Sunday at 10:30 am for the story of Jesus and the woman at the well, when we’ll explore how embracing our own human vulnerability can make us better social … read more.
The human race has long viewed the spring equinox as a time of celebration and life. Join us as we explore our connection to the ancient ways of marking the beginning of spring and the spiritual hold it still has on us in the modern world.