Topic: Spirituality

Who’s God’s Mom?

A few years ago, one of our UUMAN young ones asked, “Who’s God’s mom?” Although some Christians might have a particular take on this, and chicken and egg questions aside, where did God, however one envisions it, “come from?” What are the implications of one’s … read more.

I Think…Therefore I am Deluded

According to the ancient Indian sage Patanjali, in its most basic sense, yoga is the “cessation of the turning of thought.” Yet, modern western philosophy is said to start with Descartes who uttered his famous phrase “I think, therefore I am.” Well…what are we to make of this?

Deconstructing Christianity

What do you do when you find that your religious tradition no longer aligns with the realities of your life?  Join us as UUMAN member David Kroeber takes us through a journey of “Deconstructing Christianity” and the process of developing a more expansive faith that transcends … read more.

A Return to Oneness

The message will be about acknowledging the oneness of spirit we were all created in, healing the harm done by seeing ourselves separate from one another, and returning to the oneness of our common humanity.  

Our speaker is Spencer A. Murray, who is an Educator, Minister and Conflict Transformation practitioner who is committed to transforming lives and the systems in which they live.

Slowly But Surely

Poet Mario Benedetti writes, “The future’s coming slowly but surely… slowly but swiftly, like a dim still unnamed star.”  What could this mean for us? This sermon was purchased by Jennifer Ratcliffe at this year’s Harvest Moon Service Auction.

Ordinary Miracles

Families and other emotional systems develop patterns and habits that can confuse or enhance our relationships. The movie Encanto offers a window into these processes.

Please note, there will be spoilers, you may want to watch the movie first!

This is a lay-led service.

Atheist Spirituality

What does spirituality look like for an atheist? How might an atheist access prayer, experience transcendence, or find spiritual connection? How might an atheist resonate with language of reverence (God, holy, sacred) by expanding their definitions? Join us as we explore atheist-accessible spirituality and spiritual practice.

Process Theology in Plurality

Process theology re-conceptualizes “God” away from being a pre-existent being, personality or entity, and toward the idea of God as an ongoing creative, evolutionary power or force.

Process Naturalism does much the same without the concept of God. 

In addition, might these offer new perspectives on the nature of reality?

Calling Myself

On the journey to choosing UUism, we all have a foundational moment or series of moments when we feel the call of this living tradition. The story of how I chose UUism, for myself, is also the story of how UUism almost lost me. Let’s explore that.

This is a 50/50 Sunday. Our recipient for March is Family Promise of North Fulton/Dekalb.

Blessing of the Animals

Please join us in our annual Blessing of the Animals service.

Please bring your furried, feathered, crawling (and hopefully controlled) friends with you for an experience that is always wild and fanciful.

This will be an online Zoom meeting.

(no RE)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 959 4552 4694

Passcode: 196666

One … read more.