Topic: Social Justice

Feel Like a Woman Yet?

Becoming a woman today is not defined solely by puberty, birthing, physical appearance, or a traditional gender role. Poetry and a personal story of growth highlight how life changes affect any female person, cisgender, or non-binary. Our focus today is to foster a culture of acceptance for all genders.

Earth Ministry Service

The Earth Ministry and UUMAN members share ideas to inspire local action that protects our planet, in joyful celebration of another Earth Day, April 22nd.

This is a Welcoming Day of Observance: Day of Silence

This month’s 50/50 Recipient is Kids to the Country:

Invisible Trans

The Transgender Day of Visibility is on March 31. Why is such a day necessary?

What does it mean to be visible? Invisible? What does “invisibility” say about us?

Answering the Call of Love

We are hoping to include a number of voices of UUMAN in this service. This will be a chance for us to see one another and hear each other speak about love. What we are hoping is that many will record a 1-2 minute video, describing how you answer the call of love. We are listening for the voices of elders and children, long time members and those newly joined.

To contribute please contact our Worship Chair.

Introduction to Real History Month

We will be welcoming the beginning of what is often called “Black History Month” by celebrating African American inventors, leaders, and artists. This service will be an opportunity for everyone in the family to deepen our understanding of real American history.

The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal

In 2019 the UUA launched a new Welcoming Congregations renewal program called The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal. The goal of the program is to encourage congregations to practice Welcome every year, year-round. How will we participate?




Worship associate: Jim Nickens

People of Their Time

Recent events have led to the removal of Confederate statues. Statues of some of our founding fathers have also been vandalized and pulled down. Defenders say, “They were people of their time.”

Yom Kippur begins this evening. How would these founding fathers seek atonement? How would we?

UU The Vote

This election is one of the most important in modern times. A lot is at stake and UUs are compelled to be active participants in this democratic process. How can we be involved given our physical restrictions?

Join Nicole Pressley—national organizer of the campaign UU the Vote— and leave with concise and specific actions we can each take from the comfort of our couches.