Topic: Philosophy

Our Relationship with the Wild

Unitarian Universalists believe that we are a part of the interconnected web of all existence. What might be the implications of this belief? Are we unique? Are we distinct from “the wild”?

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

The Aestivation Hypothesis

Theologian James Carse tells us: healthy religion encourages a “higher ignorance” which enables openness to continual learning and growth. This service will explore how contemplating the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence can help us to practice the kind of healthy religion that encourages a “higher ignorance”.

… read more.

I am a Prisoner of Hope

Philosopher Cornel West maintains that he is a “prisoner of hope.” What might this mean when faced with evil, despair and nihilism? Might hope be nothing more than the sunny side of denial? Might hope lead us to new possibilities, new futures?

Sermon text (link … read more.