Topic: Community

Bread Communion

Bread is a symbol of life-giving sustenance and today we will share a bread communion together. Please bring bread (homemade if possible) that elicits memories of childhood sustenance. You will have the opportunity to share this memory with us. We will then collect bread for donation to North Fulton Community Charities.

Music: UUMAN Band

The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal

In 2019 the UUA will be launching a new Welcoming Congregations renewal program called The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal. The goal of the program is to encourage congregations to practice Welcome every year, year-round.

(This is being held on Pride Sunday. It is a Multigenerational Service, thus no Religious Education classes that day.)

Lumos Maxima: Spirituality of the Fandom

No matter what fandom you support, be it Harry Potter, Joss Whedon, Star Trek, The Walking Dead, Dr. Who or Downton Abbey, you’re in good company at a UU church! Come explore the reasons why Unitarian Universalism has been called a “Religion of Nerds” and why this is an AWESOME title to have! All are encouraged to come in costume (no masks, please) and vie for the first place prize!


It is said that membership in a congregation means “taking off the bib and putting on the apron.” What might this mean? What does it mean to be a member of UUMAN? What does it compel us to do? What does it mean to … read more.

Engaging in UUMAN’s Vision

We all know UUMAN’s mission statement, but what is UUMAN’s “Vision” for the future? Where are we headed…and why are headed there? How can you participate in the creation of our shared vision together?