Topic: Community

Sociodicy: The Goodness of Who We Are

Channeling Theodore Parker, sociologist Nicholas Christakis says, “The arc of our evolutionary history is long, but it bends towards goodness.” Might this be true? How could that possibly be?

Virtual Bread Communion

What foods bring your family together?  Fried Green Tomatoes? Barbecued Ribs? Chocolate Chip Cookies? In this service, we’ve asked UUMANites to submit short videos and/or photos of themselves, families or friends along with the food items that bring them together and to speak … read more.

How I Got Here

Why (I) Becoming Unitarian: Yassine Farhi will walk through his  personal journey about his background and why he chose to be here. He will also highlight some current events and some Unitarian principles that are important in our life now more than ever.

Young Adult Service

Celebrate with us our first annual, first ever Young Adult Service! Our Young Adults are a weekly presence at UUMAN and add to the vibrancy of our community. Join Us Online to hear what they have to say!

Extending Grace

Grace is often portrayed as the welcome, yet unmerited, divine intervention of God in our affairs (e.g. “…but by the grace of God”). Yet we have the power to bestow grace upon one another and change lives for the better. How can we extend grace at this difficult time?

Worship Associate: Randy Blasch

Music: Alex Pietsch