Speaker: Toniann Read

Moving from Me to We

How do we move from the Me to the We? We don’t have an answer for that. We must find our way through the mystery as best we can…together. What can it look like? Smaller than a grain of rice; greater than heaven … read more.

Bread Communion

Bread is a symbol of life-giving sustenance and today we will share a bread communion together.

Please bring a bread (homemade if possible) that elicits memories of childhood sustenance. You will have the opportunity to share this memory with us. We will then collect bread for … read more.

Blessing of the Animals Multigenerational Service

Please join is in our annual Blessing of the Animals service. Please bring your furried, feathered, crawling (and hopefully controlled) friends with you for an experience that is always wild and fanciful.

(Pets adorned in their Halloween costumes will get special attention. ?)

Water Communion Ingathering Service

Join us as we celebrate our annual ingathering with our traditional water communion service. Please bring a sample of your sacred waters gathered from the summer. (If you forgot to collect water this summer; no worries, we will have some symbolic water for … read more.

UUMAN Rites of Passage

Come celebrate with us at our annual rites of passage service! We will be recognizing our Coming of Age Youth, our Bridging Youth, as well as our newborns (and relatively newborns) in a Naming Ceremony.