Speaker: Shelley Nagrani

Connecting to Our Community

When we examine the ways we are connected to others, we will most often find that it is where we work, where we serve, and where we share that we feel connected. This service will be about building that connection more deeply.


P.S. It will not be a pitch for volunteers.

Our Struggle With Mental Illness

Do we characterize mental ailments the same way we characterize physical ailments? Why or why not? How is mental health defined, arbitrated? Who gets to decide?

Intersex Awareness Day – October 26

I’m Trying

As we start anew – a new church year, or perhaps a new school year – there will be initiatives and programs, successes and failures. Can we choose the lens through which we look at these things? What might be the healthiest lens?

UUA Service from General Assembly

We will be viewing the Synergy Bridging service from this year’s UU General Assembly, “Replanting Interdependence”. This service showcases the young minds and hearts of our denomination and highlights the creativity with which youth and young adults create new traditions. If you are unable to attend UUMAN in person, you are invited to watch “Replanting Interdependence” from home by going to this web page:

Ordinary Miracles

Families and other emotional systems develop patterns and habits that can confuse or enhance our relationships. The movie Encanto offers a window into these processes.

Please note, there will be spoilers, you may want to watch the movie first!

This is a lay-led service.