Speaker: Rhea Mongia

America’s Native Stories

The story of Thanksgiving goes back to the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock. Yet before they were here there were already people here – loving their loved ones and living their lives. Let’s hear some of their stories – stories of creation, stories of love and the ubiquitous trickster tales.

First Sunday of Advent. No Religious Exploration.

The 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism

The UUA’s Principles and Purposes, detailed as part of Article II of the UUA Bylaws, were last updated in 1987. Although portions of Article II have been tweaked since that time, no thorough review has been done…until now. The inclusion of an 8th Principle is being discussed as part of the recommended changes.  How will we respond?

International Pronoun Day October 19 (Third Wednesday in October)

I Think…Therefore I am Deluded

According to the ancient Indian sage Patanjali, in its most basic sense, yoga is the “cessation of the turning of thought.” Yet, modern western philosophy is said to start with Descartes who uttered his famous phrase “I think, therefore I am.” Well…what are we to make of this?