Speaker: Rev. Charlotte Arsenault

Lumos Maxima: Spirituality of the Fandom

No matter what fandom you support, be it Harry Potter, Joss Whedon, Star Trek, The Walking Dead, Dr. Who or Downton Abbey, you’re in good company at a UU church! Come explore the reasons why Unitarian Universalism has been called a “Religion of Nerds” and why this is an AWESOME title to have! All are encouraged to come in costume (no masks, please) and vie for the first place prize!

Easter: A Story of Asterisks

Christian congregations around the world will celebrate Easter by greeting one another with, “Hallelujah, Christ is Risen!” But what does the story of Easter mean to Unitarian Universalists? Let us come together to look past the asterisks and learn to appreciate the holiday in a way authentic to us.