Speaker: Randy Blasch

Active Hope

The amazing video we saw on Earth Day from Joanna Macy and ideas she presented were taken from a book she co-authored with Chris Johnstone called “Active Hope”. 

It lays out a plan we can all use to turn our hopes into action and this service will present what we hope is the perfect example of what “Active Hope” can look like in the world.

Worship Associate: Jim Nickens

Rutabagas and Parsnips

Sacrifice, Fasting, and Ashes oh my…. 

For many of us, this season that starts this Wednesday was about giving up and not giving in for 40 days, but is there something in Lent for Unitarian Universalists?

Multigenerational Christmas Pageant

Would YOU like to Hold the Baby?
Follow the Star to a special place where There is Room in Stable for Everyone. Would We Have Eyes to See the miracle that is the Christmas Story? Join us for our annual Christmas Eve pageant for our retelling of the story of Christmas this year re-imaged through the eyes of our UUMAN youth.