Speaker: Mandi Winders

Channing Holiday Service

On May 5, 1819, Rev. William Ellery Channing, the leader of the liberal Congregationalists split with the conservative Congregationalists declaring that the liberals would now be regarded as Unitarians. This declaration led to the formation of the American Unitarian Association and eventually the Unitarian Universalist … read more.

Who’s God’s Mom?

A few years ago, one of our UUMAN young ones asked, “Who’s God’s mom?” Although some Christians might have a particular take on this, and chicken and egg questions aside, where did God, however one envisions it, “come from?” What are the implications of one’s … read more.

Bread Communion

Bread is a symbol of life-giving sustenance and today we will share a bread communion together. Please bring a bread (homemade if possible) that elicits memories of childhood sustenance. You will have the opportunity to share this memory with us.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Congregational Meeting: No Religious Exploration

Service of Remembrance

Please join us as we remember those who have passed over the course of the year. Let us remember how they have shaped our lives in ways we could not have imagined.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF. Blessing of the UUMAN Monsters.

Neighborhood Connections Ministry

Can we Nurture Our Spirit, Strive for Justice, and Transform the World one relationship at a time? By simply being present with and having a personal relationship with those in our community who are not necessarily like “us,” we can. How is this done?

Deconstructing Christianity

What do you do when you find that your religious tradition no longer aligns with the realities of your life?  Join us as UUMAN member David Kroeber takes us through a journey of “Deconstructing Christianity” and the process of developing a more expansive faith that transcends … read more.

Hembree Park Service

Join us at Roswell’s Hembree Park pavilion for an end of the church year service. Feel free to bring some food and drink for a picnic afterwards.

Flower Communion

The Flower Communion, created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, is an annual ritual that celebrates peace, beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Please bring a few flowers to share.

The Festival of Holi

Holi is the Hindu “Festival of Colors” (sometimes called the “Festival of Love”). It celebrates the arrival of spring and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

What can we learn from this holiday?

This service is in-person at the UUMAN campus. If you wish to attend remotely, and to have the ability to chat with others online or to submit Joys and Sorrows in real-time, it can be livestreamed from our YouTube channel as well.