Speaker: Dave Dunn

December 10 – (CANCELED)

Due to the weather, and uncertainty about the safety of our parking lot tomorrow morning, we have decided to cancel tomorrow’s Sunday Service and MCY Program. Please contact those responsible for other programming scheduled for tomorrow regarding the status of those activities.

Sunday, December 3 – Let’s Make Optimism Cool Again

Pessimism and negativity are all the rage. Political candidates deploy fear-mongering as a weapon to divide and blame. Their opponents counterattack in kind. (Which is not very kind!) Is there another way? Can an optimistic vision for a future together break the cycle of negativity … read more.

Sunday, November 26 – The Prophet of Islam

By 2050, Islam will likely be the largest non-Christian religion in the United States. This Friday, many Muslims celebrate Eid Milad ul-Nabi – the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. What do we know about the Prophet? What do we know about Islam? How can we work … read more.