It is said that membership in a congregation means “taking off the bib and putting on the apron.” What might this mean? What does it mean to be a member of UUMAN? What does it compel us to do? What does it mean to … read more.
It is said that membership in a congregation means “taking off the bib and putting on the apron.” What might this mean? What does it mean to be a member of UUMAN? What does it compel us to do? What does it mean to … read more.
The first Pride marches began in the early ‘70s to commemorate the Stonewall uprising of 1969. With Atlanta’s Pride March just around the corner (October 14), might it make sense to revisit the meaning of the march and rededicate ourselves to its significance?
We all know UUMAN’s mission statement, but what is UUMAN’s “Vision” for the future? Where are we headed…and why are headed there? How can you participate in the creation of our shared vision together?
Please join us for our multigenerational faith-in-action service focusing on the importance of the Day of Atonement and its relevance to our lives.
Service Audio:
H2H (50-50 Sunday recipient) Darryel Richardson (link to mp3 file, or use media player below)
What does “faith formation” mean to a Unitarian Universalist? How do you respond when people criticize UUism for being a faith where you can believe in “whatever you want?” If you believe that your faith (or philosophy of living (and dying)) is important … read more.
Service Description: What is sanctuary? Is it something specific or might it be a continuum of activities and initiatives? El Refugio is a ministry of hospitality and visitation serving immigrants at Stewart Detention Center and their families and friends. The leaders of El Refugio … read more.
Join us as we celebrate our annual ingathering with our traditional water communion service. Please bring a sample of your sacred waters gathered from the summer. (If you forgot to collect water this summer; no worries, we will have some symbolic water for … read more.
Organized religion faces many daunting obstacles in the 21st century. The fact that we have a vibrant UU community here at UUMAN is a testament to our resolve and determination. How can we show appreciation and gratitude to this blessing?
Come celebrate with us at our annual rites of passage service! We will be recognizing our Coming of Age Youth, our Bridging Youth, as well as our newborns (and relatively newborns) in a Naming Ceremony.
Justification or salvation by faith alone is a Protestant doctrine is held by many Christians. But what about those who are not Christian or theists? Faith in what? Among many answers might “the stranger” be the answer that provides the most meaning?