Speaker: Dave Dunn

Working Together

Gravity existed long before Newton “discovered” it. What unknown aspects of our very selves have yet to be discovered? Together, how can any newly discovered aspects of our nature be put together with who we already are to create something beautiful?

Sermon Text … read more.

Thirsty Prophets

Compassion is just a starting point, not a finish line. Please join us this Sunday at 10:30 am for the story of Jesus and the woman at the well, when we’ll explore how embracing our own human vulnerability can make us better social … read more.

We Are the Unitarians!

Two hundred years ago today, May 5, 1819, Rev. William Ellery Channing, the leader of the liberal Congregationalists split with the conservative Congregationalists declaring that the liberals would now be regarded as Unitarians.  This declaration led to the formation of the American Unitarian Association and eventually the Unitarian Universalist Association.

First Principles

In a broken world, might there be a set of first principles to which we can subscribe? (Btw…I’m not talking about “we” as members of UUMAN. I’m talking about we as citizens of the United States, citizens of a common humanity and as … read more.

UUMAN – What’s it worth?

If UUMAN didn’t exist, where else would you go? Is there anything else like us in North Fulton? What other denomination accepts you for who you are, allows you to love who you need to love, believe what you need to believe? What is that worth to you?

The Shadow We Cast

Lent begins on March 6. For Christians, Lent is a time of preparation, self-denial, almsgiving and repentance. It is a time when we look in the mirror and assess ourselves. Are we comfortable with what we see? Are we comfortable with the shadow side of our nature? Can we be at peace with ourselves?