Speaker: Dave Dunn

Our Relationship with the Wild

Unitarian Universalists believe that we are a part of the interconnected web of all existence. What might be the implications of this belief? Are we unique? Are we distinct from “the wild”?

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

1619: America’s Original Sin

In 1619, the first shipload of African slaves arrived at the Jamestown settlement. Slavery has been rightfully called America’s original sin – a sin that continues to haunt this nation. Do we have the courage to lean in?

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

Service of Remembrance

Please join us as we remember those who have passed over the course of the year. Let us remember how they have shaped our lives in ways we could not have imagined.

The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal

In 2019 the UUA will be launching a new Welcoming Congregations renewal program called The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal. The goal of the program is to encourage congregations to practice Welcome every year, year-round.

(This is being held on Pride Sunday. It is a Multigenerational Service, thus no Religious Education classes that day.)

The Beauty of Imperfection

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins at sundown on Tuesday. It is the holiest day of the year in Judaism.  We return to this holy day year after year because we are imperfect – some might say perfectly imperfect. What might this mean for us?

(This will be a New Member Sunday)

No Matter Whatness

What things in your life have a “no matter whatness” quality to them …that no matter what happens, that no matter how it happens; your right relationship to that thing remains steadfast – unmoved? Do you feel that you, your life, who you … read more.

Blessing of the Animals (Multigenerational)

Please join us in our annual Blessing of the Animals service.

Please bring your furried, feathered, crawling (and hopefully controlled) friends with you for an experience that is always wild and fanciful.

(note: this is a multi-generational service, and there will … read more.

The World Needs You

Each one of us is unique. Amongst an interrelated, interconnected web, the world couldn’t be the same without you. Are you here for a reason? Do you have a calling? What does it cost the universe if you should not answer?

Sermon text … read more.