Speaker: Dave Dunn

UUMAN Rites of Passage

Join us for our annual Rites of Passage service. We will honor our Coming of Age Youth as they bridge to Youth Group, and our Senior Youth as they bridge to Young Adults.

Our 50/50 recipient is Project Semicolon.

The service this week will be on Zoom.

Extending Grace

Grace is often portrayed as the welcome, yet unmerited, divine intervention of God in our affairs (e.g. “…but by the grace of God”). Yet we have the power to bestow grace upon one another and change lives for the better. How can we extend grace at this difficult time?

Worship Associate: Randy Blasch

Music: Alex Pietsch

Nurturing Our Spirit (ONLINE ONLY)

Service Description: “Nurture Our Spirit.” These are the first three words of our new mission statement. What does it mean to nurture our spirit? Who’s responsibility is it? How do we nurture our spirit in the face of a global pandemic and a national emergency declaration?

We will try to stream the service at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcRwJlKGVhksTvxKeCXhxeQ/

(Multigenerational Service)

In the Streets as in the Sanctuaries

In a 1965 sermon, Rabbi Maurice Davis is quoted as saying, “The time has come to worship with our lives as with our lips, in the streets as in the sanctuaries.” How do we embody Unitarian Universalism in our community in an effort to transform the world?

(50/50 Recipient: New Sanctuary Movement of Atlanta)

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

Giving Your Best Gift

In the Genesis story of Cain and Able, for reasons unknown to us, God accepts Able’s gift yet rejects Cain’s. Was it because of the gifts themselves? Did Cain hold back? Could he have given more from the heart? What might your best gift be?

(Stewardship Sunday)

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

The Return of Paganism

We have all likely heard people say that they are “spiritual but not religious.” Might this simply be indicative of a rejection of the traditional organized religions? Might it also be indicative of a return to pagan spirituality? What might this mean?

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir

Watch What Happens

Depending upon circumstance, Valentine’s Day can attune us to love or loss. Love sweeps us away. Love sweeps us aside. We fall in. We fall out. Might there be Good News in all this?

This is a 50/50 Sunday; our recipient is Family Promise.

Music: UUMAN Band

Hi! I’m a Unitarian Universalist

What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist? How do you respond when others ask you, “What church do you go to? What is Unitarian Universalism?” Come hear first person narratives from some of UUMAN’s congregants.

This is a New Member Sunday.

Music: Alex Pietsch and the Chalice Choir.