Speaker: Dave Dunn

The Quandary of Emergence

“Emergence” is the spontaneous creation of something new, something unexpected, something that doesn’t necessarily even have the properties of the things from which it emerged. Do you allow for emergence in your life? In the life of the congregation? Although it may sound refreshing, exciting … read more.

Celebrating Our Elders

We are warmed by fires we did not light. So many thousands of volunteer hours have kept the fires of UUMAN going for over 30 years. We honor all elders and acknowledge the very important contributions they have made. Together we reflect on elders as a vital part of our community.

Channing Holiday Service

On May 5, 1819, Rev. William Ellery Channing, the leader of the liberal Congregationalists split with the conservative Congregationalists declaring that the liberals would now be regarded as Unitarians. This declaration led to the formation of the American Unitarian Association and eventually the Unitarian Universalist … read more.

The Ox Herding Pictures

How does one achieve enlightenment? In the Zen tradition, this path of enlightenment is often represented by the Ox-Herding Pictures.

What are they? One of the pictures is blank? What could this mean? Can we even make sense of these? What do they call upon us to do?

Who’s God’s Mom?

A few years ago, one of our UUMAN young ones asked, “Who’s God’s mom?” Although some Christians might have a particular take on this, and chicken and egg questions aside, where did God, however one envisions it, “come from?” What are the implications of one’s … read more.

Interdependence, Transformation, Generosity

Interdependence, Transformation, and Generosity are three shared values put forth by the Article II Study Commission. Thinking about ourselves as individuals, and ourselves as a congregation with a specific mission and vision, are these values that we share? What does interdependence truly mean? What happens … read more.