Speaker: Amanda Bralley

Healing and Care

It is inevitable. At some time, we will all be in need of healing. We will all be in need of care. And it is also inevitable that at some time, we will all have the opportunity to provide healing; and to provide care. The circumstances vary. They are often overwhelming. What does healthy healing and care look like?

History In Our Own Backyard

Groveway Community Group is an organization in the heart of Roswell that has been here for over 80 years, serving unmet – but important – needs. Groveway Community is an historically Black community in Roswell that dates back to the 1800’s.

Gail Bohanan will talk about the history of the community, some from personal experience, and of the organization. This service provides a unique opportunity for us to learn our history from a different perspective.

UUMAN Rites of Passage

Join us for our annual Rites of Passage service. We will honor our Coming of Age youth as they bridge to Youth Group and our senior Youth as the bridge to Young Adults.

The Church of the Mulligan

A “Mulligan” in golf is a do-over. It’s your chance to, without penalty, try again when your shot goes into the next fairway, into an unforgiving patch of poison ivy, etc. This is a very good rule. How can we apply this to our work at UUMAN?

Lay Led Service: What is Unitarian Universalism?

What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist? This question gets asked a lot, by newcomers and long-time UUs alike! As UUs, we encourage each other’s spiritual development as we search for truth and meaning. Our lay leader this week, Amanda Bralley, will share what being UU means to her, and some of our members will share their thoughts, too, so come join us on YouTube as we explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

As Unitarian Universalists, do we have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding our personal and communal theologies? Each year we ask our Coming of Age students to share their belief statements. Are we willing to share our own…and just what do we believe anyway?

This will be a livestream service, available to view at our YouTube channel:


(This Harvest Moon Service Auction sermon was purchased by Carla Kapeskas.)