Sunday, December 18 – UUMAN’s Annual Multigenerational Musical Holiday Celebration

“All things invite us,
Now to delight us . . . ”
– from Sing We and Chant It

This Sunday’s service is music-filled and joyous; you won’t want to miss it!  At this intergenerational service for all ages, you will hear the Family Choir, the UUMAN Band, the Chalice Choir (whose anthem is quoted above), and Alex Pietsch’s special music.  As your Worship Associate, I look forward to sharing two short readings, “Wisdom from Dr. Seuss” and an excerpt from “Getting in the Christmas Spirit” by Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar, minister for lifespan learning of the Church of the Larger Fellowship, our online UU congregation ( Toniann will lead a “Wondering Time” about a delightful story of “The Christmas Menorahs.”  Please be a part of our congregation’s singing of Christmas Carols and sharing of the joys of this season. For remember, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Worship Leader: Dave Dunn, Minister
Worship Associate: Paula Watson
