One Connected World

A look at moving beyond our comfort zone to create personal change, meaningful civic engagement and responsible relations with all of life.
Happy Earth Day to all our relatives of every species.  May we all come together to respond to the crisis of Climate Change to insure the continuation of life on this beautiful planet.  Our Earth Day service will be on April 28.  Following the service will be the first of 3 adult education classes on the environment entitled Is this the Last Century?  We will consider the past to understand how we got in this situation, we will look at the conservation and environmental movements and pioneers like Thoreau, Muir and Leopold, and we will consider how to move forward together.  Our second class will take a close look at solutions including an analysis of alternative energy and the Green New Deal.  At our third class Jennifer Phillippi will focus on food and its many implications for our health and that of the environment.    Please join us.  We are all in this together, and we all have an important part to play.

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