“Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve”
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

UUMAN’s Ministry With Children and Youth (MCY) requires the support and commitment of our entire community. Here are some areas where your interests and needs might be met by serving our MCY.

RE Team Leader: Participation as a member of a Religious Exploration Team (Sunday mornings).

Youth Advisor: Youth Advisors participate in Youth Programming provide partnership and guidance while supporting Youth leadership at UUMAN and beyond.

Childcare: For those interested in assisting our childcare providers in the Nursery/Toddler room or providing childcare for UUMAN activities/events.

RE Council: Participates in the workings of the RE Council, which provides ongoing coordination and leadership for the operations component of UUMAN’s RE programming.

Worship: Work with the MCY Worship Coordinators to help integrate our Worship component into MCY activities, including developing a “Children’s Chapel ” program.

Family Ministry Team (FMT) Leader: Work with the MCY Family Ministry Team Coordinator to help build community by keeping families connected, convening meetings and coordinating the activities of your FMT.

Social Justice: Work with the MCY Social Action Coordinator to help integrate the Social Justice Component throughout our MCY with events such as “Kids Together Days”.

Curriculum Team: Work with the MCY Curriculum Team Coordinator to maintain the curriculum library and resources that serve our MCY. You will explore available curricula & make recommendations to the MCY Council.

RE Associates: Serve as greeters and represent the RE Council on Sunday mornings. Associates welcome families and orient visitors. Associates ensure that Team Leaders are present and engage substitutes as needed. Associates also coordinate our Annual Registration process.

Special Events Volunteer: Assist with events such as Teacher Recognition, Holiday Parties and “Secret Friends”.

Other: Including data entry, photocopying, filing, special needs resource, help maintain supplies, your original idea!

Questions? Reach out to us at RE@old.uuman.org.