UUMAN has been a proud sponsor of Family Promise since 2016. Once or twice a year, we welcome families experiencing situational homelessness into our facilities, supplying meals, gift cards, and a warm bed to help them through this difficult stretch of their lives. We also support Family Promise through 50/50 donations.

Family Promise keeps homeless husbands and wives together as a family with their children, sheltering with 15 congregations of different faiths in the North Fulton/Dekalb area, including UUMAN. Family Promise provides a 90-day shelter program that includes housing, meals, career counseling, and money management classes, as well as support services for homeless individuals who don’t qualify for the shelter program. The Family Promise volunteer model costs 1/3 less to operate than traditional shelters.

To learn more about Family Promise of North Fulton/Dekalb, visit their website: http://www.familypromisenfd.org