At UUMAN, we are an active participant in the Side with Love Action Center. Side with Love is a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and all are welcome to join.
The work that we do together to build a world in which all of us are free and thriving is interrelated.

Members Marching

When we ground our spirits, grow our skills, and act strategically for justice in deep relationship with each other and our Movements, we choose to Side With Love.

Action Center is a place where we unite in work towards a world where we all thrive. Together we take action, Side With Love, and make deep impacts in this critical moment.

Our intersectional justice priorities are:

  • Climate Justice
  • Democracy and Voting Rights
  • LGBTQ+ and Gender Justice
  • Decriminalization

UUMAN member, Canedy Knowles, leads Side with Love’s Fun and Spiritual Nourishment team which brings joy and spiritual grounding to many national SWL online events.
You can watch her most recent skill-up “Saying Yes and.. to the Spirit- bringing joy and spiritual grounding to our social justice work” here:

UUMAN has several additional, active campaigns under way, including but not limited to:

IMMIGRATION JUSTICE – click link learn more

FAMILY PROMISE – click link to learn more

and UUMAN continues to provide support to the following social justice initiatives:

Supporting the UUA’s endorsement of the Black Lives Matter campaign, regularly witnessing for racial justice on Crabapple Road in front of our sanctuary.

Bringing our children, youth, and adults together to work with HomeStretch, an organization here in Roswell dedicated to getting homeless families back on their feet and into permanent housing.

Providing a Thanksgiving feast with the Hamzah Islamic Center to support the International Rescue Committee for refugees in the Atlanta area.

MLK DayMarching proudly behind our banner at the annual Martin Luther King Day parade in downtown Atlanta.

Standing on the Side of Love

Marching in the annual Pride parade in Atlanta and staff a booth in Piedmont Park, publicizing our Welcoming Congregation status.

Supporting Lost N Found Youth, the only organization in Atlanta dedicated to taking homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth off the street and into more permanent housing.

Collecting food for North Fulton Community Charities.

Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF, and over the winter holidays, our children collect for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) Guest at Your Table program.

Advocating for justice at the state capital with members of other UU congregations in the Atlanta area, on Moral Mondays.

Sharing our week’s offering on 50/50 Sundays, where we hold up an organization engaged in the work of social justice.

Offering a covenant group that met monthly to discuss issues of race and ethnicity, and a six-week Adult Enrichment course devoted to American Civil Rights Protest Music.

Conducting a Faith in Action Sunday, offering children, youth, and adults the opportunity to engage in a variety of ways in a given social justice cause.

At UUMAN we are working to live into our mission: promoting an open-minded search for truth and justice both within our walls and beyond.