Become a Member
How to Become a Member
Members are those people who’ve chosen to take the steps, defined by our Bylaws, to become formal voting members of the congregation. There are many people who attend worship and are involved in the community that are not formal members. These people are our friends—and it’s great to have friends. But congregations also need members—people who feel ready to make a special commitment to this congregation. This level of commitment is good for the congregation, of course, but it is also a joy for the person making the commitment when they are ready to do so because they believe that have found their spiritual home.
When people are interested in membership at UUMAN, we recommend the following.
- First, we suggest that they participate in our community long enough to be sure that this is really a commitment that they wish to make
- Second, we ask that they make sure that they understand the basics of both UUMAN and Unitarian Universalism by attending a UU-101 class
- Third, make a financial pledge as well as commit time and talents so that they become integrated into our UU community
Formally, the process of joining involves being at least 16 years old, making a financial pledge, and signing the membership book. After that, in 45 days, the person has the right to vote at meetings of the congregation, be a committee chair, as well as to hold elected office.
When you are ready to become a member, email
Obligations and Responsibilities of Membership
It is easy to become a member of UUMAN; any person sixteen or older, of any creed, faith, national origin, race, color, gender, or sexual or affectional orientation, who subscribes to the UU Purposes and Principles, commits to uphold UUMAN’s Mission Statement and Relationship Covenant, and participates in the life of the congregation may become a member of UUMAN. In return we ask, simply, for a commitment of one’s time, talent and resources to the growth and development of the UUMAN community.
The Rights and Privileges of Membership
Unitarian Universalist congregations govern themselves through “congregational polity”; each congregation is a self-governing democracy, choosing its own leadership, handling its own finances, and choosing its own delegates to the General Assembly. So becoming a member of UUMAN gives one the right to vote on all matters that come before the Congregation’s membership for a vote and, for those eighteen or older, the right to hold office as trustees of the congregation.