The Epic of Unitarianism

Dates: September 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2018

Facilitated By: Dave Dunn

Rediscover our UU and liberal religious roots through a literary survey of the writings of prominent Unitarian and Universalists from the 16th – 21st centuries. How did we first part ways with the Catholic … read more.

Adult Enrichment Hour at UUMAN

The Adult Enrichment Committee will be initiating a series of educational courses that will kickoff Sunday, September 9. Each course will be four, one-hour sessions that will run from 12 Noon – 1PM in the Sanctuary most Sundays. Childcare will be available in the nursery … read more.

Coffee House set up help wanted

Every month on the third Saturday we set up the Sanctuary to have live local music. We need help moving chairs around in the Sanctuary, setting up tables and putting up the backdrop for the show. It takes an hour or less if we … read more.