Cancel Culture: Should We Look In the Mirror?

Teen fiction writer and critic Kokoso Jackson was often hired by book publishers as a “sensitivity reader” to identify books that might be insensitive to particular communities. As part of his work, he tweeted, “Stories about the civil rights movement should be written by black … read more.

Traditional Witchcraft and Paganism

March 24, 31; April 7, 2019. Noon-1PM; UUMAN Sanctuary
Facilitated By: Colin Decker
This course is a brief introduction to modern paganism and witchcraft. We will cover the various types of pagan practices Wicca versus witchcraft and other practices. Discussions will include in depth explanations … read more.

Is This the Last Century?

April 28 and May 5, 2019. Noon-1PM; UUMAN Sanctuary
May 26, 2019. Noon-2pm; Phillipi home

Facilitated By: Gus Hadorn, Patrick Thompson, and Jennifer Phillippi

Five major topics including:

This Good Earth—the garden given, the garden created

A Very Inconvenient Truth—the state of our nest

Farmers, Poets and Lovers—voices of elders: … read more.

The Deferred Dream of the Dreamers

Did you know that Georgia is one of only three states to implement admissions bans of undocumented persons in public higher education? (Alabama and South Carolina join us in esteemed company.)

Did you know that Georgia would lose about $24 million in tax dollars annually if … read more.