Board Meeting Minutes February 28 2023

The Board of Trustees Meets Monthly on the 4th Tuesday 7pm-10pm

Every UUMAN member is invited!

The Board discusses key priorities for the congregation, both short and long term. We review our top priorities for the year and the key new topics from the previous month. The … read more.

Breeze Tip #2

Vivamus rhoncus, dolor et dapibus aliquam, ante orci vestibulum sem, ullamcorper venenatis nisi lectus vel lectus. Fusce nec tristique lorem, vel blandit lacus. Donec hendrerit vestibulum tortor, faucibus ultricies neque fringilla dapibus. Fusce pulvinar porta risus ac interdum. Cras pharetra ipsum eget enim venenatis varius. … read more.

Breeze Tip #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at odio iaculis, aliquam augue sit amet, luctus mi. Nulla accumsan nibh sagittis blandit commodo. Etiam pretium condimentum orci eget pretium. Mauris auctor vehicula orci, sed vulputate erat fringilla et. In enim massa, bibendum a tempor … read more.

Board Meeting Minutes January 24 2023

The Board of Trustees Meets Monthly on the 4th Tuesday 7pm-10pm

Every UUMAN member is invited!

The Board discusses key priorities for the congregation, both short and long term. We review our top priorities for the year and the key new topics from the previous month. The … read more.

2023 Spring 2nd Hour Adult Religious Exploration Offerings

Here are the offerings for the Spring 2023 (with more to be added in late spring):

Feel free to “drop-in” to any class at any time. Some classes offer the option of registration/signup simply to help the facilitators communicate with attendees in advance and plan programming.

Registration/Signup … read more.

Board Meeting Minutes December 15, 2022

The Board of Trustees Meets Monthly on the 4th Tuesday 7pm-10pm

Every UUMAN member is invited!

The Board discusses key priorities for the congregation, both short and long term. We review our top priorities for the year and the key new topics from the previous month. The … read more.

Board Meeting Minutes November 29, 2022

The Board of Trustees Meets Monthly on the 4th Tuesday 7pm-10pm

Every UUMAN member is invited!

The Board discusses key priorities for the congregation, both short and long term. We review our top priorities for the year and the key new topics from the previous month. The … read more.

Board Meeting Minutes October 25, 2022

The Board of Trustees Meets Monthly on the 4th Tuesday 7pm-10pm

Every UUMAN member is invited!

The Board discusses key priorities for the congregation, both short and long term. We review our top priorities for the year and the key new topics from the previous month. The … read more.