Author: Dirk Bender

Traditional Witchcraft and Paganism

March 24, 31; April 7, 2019. Noon-1PM; UUMAN Sanctuary
Facilitated By: Colin Decker
This course is a brief introduction to modern paganism and witchcraft. We will cover the various types of pagan practices Wicca versus witchcraft and other practices. Discussions will include in depth explanations … read more.

Is This the Last Century?

April 28 and May 5, 2019. Noon-1PM; UUMAN Sanctuary
May 26, 2019. Noon-2pm; Phillipi home

Facilitated By: Gus Hadorn, Patrick Thompson, and Jennifer Phillippi

Five major topics including:

This Good Earth—the garden given, the garden created

A Very Inconvenient Truth—the state of our nest

Farmers, Poets and Lovers—voices of elders: … read more.