Our Commitment to Each Other
UUMAN is a covenantal faith community. UUs place faith in each other to abide by covenants about how we will be in community with each other. Click the link below to view the promises UUMAN members make to each other:
UUMAN Respectful Relations Covenant
Approved by UUMAN Congregational Vote – November 15, 2009
One of UUMAN’s greatest strengths is the diversity of talent, energy, perspective, vision, and experiences each of us brings to our congregation. To reach our full potential as a community and to honor our Mission Statement, I aspire to ensure UUMAN is an accepting place where people of every faith background, age, race, culture and sexual orientation will be welcome and free to seek a deeper social and spiritual commitment. I acknowledge the need for individual responsibility for the health of our community and the awareness and practice of healthy communication.As a member of the congregation of UUMAN, I will:
- Respect others’ inherent worth and dignity, relating to others in ways that reinforce the Seven Principles.
- Accept responsibility for my own words and actions.
- Respect others even when we disagree, valuing the insight and perspective those differences might bring.
- Seek to understand by listening actively, attentively and respectfully to the views, perspectives, and opinions of others.
- Speak my truth honestly and directly with care and compassion.
- Aspire to have the courage to speak up when I or others are not being respected or heard.
- Honor the confidentiality and private disclosures of others.
- Communicate in ways that foster productive outcomes, or lead to positive actions by the congregation, whatever the medium might be.
- Encourage others to embrace the principles and spirit of this covenant.
- Use the Restoring Productive Behavior Guidelines when I believe this covenant has not been lived up to.
Whatever we do here, we do in covenant with each other.