A Note of Gratitude

I write this article as I complete my sixth year of ministry here at UUMAN. It has been a rich experience for me; and I am grateful that I had the courage to pivot from my earlier profession, a profession that I generally enjoyed, towards UU ministry. Ministry has provided me with an opportunity for deeper engagement in the joys, sorrows, meaning and significance of not only my own life, but also in the lives of all of you who’ve been willing to share yourselves with me.

I am most grateful for that gift. I am truly blessed to be permitted to be engaged in the richness of your lives. Thank you for that!

Now that I’ve gotten to know you all much better over these years – through Board work, 2nd Hour Faith Development classes, Stewardship Campaigns, Garden Parties, Social Justice events and marches (and in ridiculous Talent Shows!) – ministry has become even more meaningful.

This was evident to me at our most recent Rites of Passage service when I realized that the little ones when I arrived six years ago are now speaking for themselves and sharing their own bold new ideas; and, I believe, their lives are made richer and more meaningful by their continued presence here at UUMAN, week after week, year after year. It fills me to see this growth in your children.


This pandemic has upended our lives over the past couple of years yet UUMAN is still moving forward.  I have so much gratitude for those who continue to believe in and support this congregation. I am grateful for those who’ve continued to show up despite having to wear a mask, despite not having coffee made in Fellowship Hall, despite not being able to sing, despite us having to work through countless technical livestreaming details, despite us having only pre-recorded or zoom services, despite us trying to figure out how to simultaneously do both in-person and virtual events, despite us having to do virtual children’s religious education, etc., etc., etc….


I have immense gratitude for those who stepped up to fill a very large void due to personnel changes; and for those who continue support this community financially, again and again and again; and for those who step forward and serve as leaders of this congregation – those who step forward and say “Here I am (Isaiah 6:8)” even when it would much more convenient to do otherwise.


I am most grateful, and privileged, to serve this community and I look forward to continue helping you live your mission and work toward your vision of a just world.

Nurture our spirit. Strive for Justice. Transform the world.
