Hello All,
I don’t need to tell you all that we are in unchartered waters. You’ve all likely read or researched many of the “what to do, what not to do” articles, blogs, websites, etc. I do not intend to cover that information here and I surely hope not to contradict any of that information here as well.
Although you didn’t hear from the UUMAN Board until Thursday, they, along with the UUMAN staff, were thoughtfully deliberating most all last week regarding how to proceed. Thank you for your patience; and we ask for your continued patience as many more decisions will need to be made regarding issues no UUMAN Board, or any of us, have ever had to face.
We hope that you understand that Board decisions will be dictated not by an ethic of what’s best for most of us, but by an ethic of what’s best for those who face the greatest risk amongst us, and amongst those in the larger community.
It would be easy for me to say that you should all stay home and try to enjoy quality time with your family. Of course, I wish that for all of you. We must also be aware however that many UUMAN members and friends live alone and don’t have the benefit of family close by. Please make a concerted effort to reach out to and check-in with them.
We should also keep in mind that many members may work in the service economy and will be receiving severely reduced take-home pay. Also, many children rely on free breakfast and lunch through school programs and with schools closed, some children may be hungry.
Anyone who needs assistance should contact me as UUMAN has established and generously funded a Minister’s Discretionary Fund. All requests and disbursements are confidential. The UUMAN Care Circles can also be used as a resource. They can be contacted at carecircles@old.uuman.org.
I am more than happy to visit with anyone who is struggling with this most anxious situation…so please do not hesitate to contact me via text, phone or email. (My cell phone is in the church directory and I give any member permission to give my cell number to anyone who requests it.)
Take care…in faith…and in love,