Is This the Last Century?

April 28 and May 5, 2019. Noon-1PM; UUMAN Sanctuary
May 26, 2019. Noon-2pm; Phillipi home

Facilitated By: Gus Hadorn, Patrick Thompson, and Jennifer Phillippi

Five major topics including:

This Good Earth—the garden given, the garden created

A Very Inconvenient Truth—the state of our nest

Farmers, Poets and Lovers—voices of elders: Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, E. O. Wilson and Jane Goodall

What We Cannot do Alone: Government and Citizen Warriors—The role government has, can and must play. Building community and ourselves into what we must become.

The Paradigm Shift Required and how to do it—considering ideas from Michael Pollan, Thomas Freedman and others.