Life’s Excellent Adventure: Naming and Claiming Your Whole Person Health

Dates: November 18; December 2, 9, 16, 2018
Facilitated By: Dwana Bush, M. D.; Aleksandra Jeremic, MS, LPC
The Whole Person Health Assessment was developed over 25 years by Dr. Bush with input from scientific colleagues in the process of daily patient care. “We want more health, not just more health care”. Aleksandra Jeremic, a licensed therapist is assisting her in expanding the application as a tool to guide collaborative care strategies between healing practitioners and the clients and communities they serve.
“Health is soundness of body, mind and spirit that satisfies you and allows you to make a meaningful difference to others”.

Participants will complete a confidential 20-minute online assessment one week prior to the first session. Your responses will only be seen by Dwana and Aleksandra. A personalized graphic “snapshot” will be provided to each attendee in a sealed envelope on the first day of the class. Responses are displayed in a graph strengths and challenges in four major areas:

1) Resilience (energy, pain, limitations from physical and emotional challenges)
2) Relationships (spiritual, family, friends)
3) Sacred Reciprocity (making a difference from a foundation of balanced give-and-take)
4) Stewardship (Self-care and Earth-care)

By the final session, each attendee will have created their own strategic plan.

1) Sunday, Nov.18 – Your Whole Person Health “snapshot”: A picture is worth a thousand words
2) Sunday, Dec 2, 2018 – Connection: Peace and satisfaction in your relationships
3) Sunday, Dec 9, 2018 – Contribution: “Beyond Words” exercise to clarify your goals of life
4) Sunday, Dec 16, 2018 – Stewardship: Practical next steps to care for yourself and the earth

Class size is limited to the 20 participants.

1) Class registration: (sign up on list and I will send you a link to sign up genius)
2) Survey completion: Registered participants who complete the online survey by 11/10/18 will be guaranteed to have their Whole Person Health “snapshot” at the first class.
3) Plan to attend all 4 sessions.
4) Educational component will be videotaped

If interest dictates, the course may be offered again in Spring of 2019. For more information contact Dwana M. Bush, M.D. at