The Adult Enrichment Committee will be initiating a series of educational courses that will kickoff Sunday, September 9. Each course will be four, one-hour sessions that will run from 12 Noon – 1PM in the Sanctuary most Sundays. Childcare will be available in the nursery and various activities (think summer religious education) will be prepared for the younger ones who’ve aged out of the nursery.
The schedule for the fall courses will be as follows:
The Epic of Unitarianism
Dates:September 9, 16, 23, 30
Facilitated By: Dave Dunn
Course Description: Rediscover our UU and liberal religious roots through a literary survey of the writings of prominent Unitarian and Universalists from the 16th – 21st centuries. How did we first part ways with the Catholic Church and the Protestant reformers? What is significant about the year 1805 for Unitarians? Who were Channing and Emerson? What was Theodore Parker’s heresy? How did Humanism shape 20th century Unitarianism? What’s next for UUism. This survey is based on the writings contained in the book “The Epic of Unitarianism” edited by David Parke.
An Introduction to Islam
Dates: October 7, 21, 28; November 4
Facilitated By: Roswell Community Masjid
Course Description: An introduction to Islam that will begin with the proper use of terminology relating to the religion. It will then introduce Muslim demographics and the universality of the faith. It will finally cover the basic values and beliefs of the religion and how these are reflected in daily life and practice.
Life’s Excellent Adventure: Naming and Claiming Your Whole Person Health
Dates: November 18; December 2, 9, 16
Facilitated By: Dwana Bush & Donna Melcher
Course Description: Four sessions covering the following:
1) Sunday, Nov.18 – Your Whole Person Health “snapshot”: A picture is worth a thousand words
2) Sunday, Dec 2 – Connection: Peace and satisfaction in your relationships
3) Sunday, Dec 9 – Contribution: “Beyond Words” exercise to clarify your goals of life
4) Sunday, Dec 16 – Stewardship: Practical next steps to care for yourself and the earth
Additional courses will resume for the spring semester following the New Year’s holiday. The courses currently in the planning stages include:
Faith Forward (8 classes) – The deeper meaning of membership in a Unitarian Universalist congregation
Earth Ministry Course (exact course title as yet to be decided)
Five Smooth Stones – A summarization of the core foundations of the Unitarian Universalist faith as stated by UU theologian James Luther Adams.
Parable of the Sower & Parable of the Talents – The thematic and theological significance of these dystopian science fiction novels authored by Octavia Butler.
I hope you will get a chance to attend some of these courses. I think you will find them rewarding!
Take care,